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Kreatures Staff

Long-term SL Users/Creators

Daemon Blackflag

Co-Owner, Jack of All Trades
Daemon has been on Second Life since August 2004, and has been involved with breedables for a good decade now. He started off as an average breeder, ran a couple of full sim markets, made breedable HUDs/services, and eventually co-founded The Fennux/Fawns. Daemon's a "Jack of all trades", and is able to efficiently interact with each team member's unique skillset.

TomKreatures Resident

Co-Owner, Lead Software Developer
Tom uses the latest technologies that SL allows, leading to a better product for our users. They have been scripting content in SL for over a decade, and have been on Daemon's radar since The Fennux days. The stars aligned and Tom has been working with us ever since. He handles all of the LSL and all server-side coding languages.

Katharine Mcginnis

Lead Texture Artist
Not many people have the experience that Katharine has at texturing breedables. She's produced hundreds of beautiful designs for Fennux and Fawns and will be blessing us with her unique style of art once more! Katharine takes her time on each individual kreature, ensuring every one is a true work of art. You'll have to look elsewhere if you're expecting the same design recolored over and over again.

Magevault Resident

Lead 3D Modeler
Mage makes all of the animal models. They also make some of the accessory items such as the Dens, Starter Crates, Food and more! We still use Sculpt Maps so that we can swap out the models with code dynamically, something we can't do with Animesh or even Mesh - we've tried! But that's why we love having Mage on our team - he is excellent at creating high-end sculpts that blend right in with modern day SL technologies.

We have a full team of seasoned Customer Service Representatives standing-by, pretty much 24 hours a day, from all around the world.
Most of our CSRs know multiple languages, so if English is not the best way to communicate with you - ask if someone is available that speaks your native tongue!

Find out which CSRs are Online by visiting The Kreatures Sim and looking at our CSR Board at the Landing Area!

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©2021-2022 Kreatures™ - All rights reserved.
"Kreatures", "The Kreatures Logo" & Kreatures themselves are all unregistered trademarks of Lexi Games LLC.
Second Life is a registered trademark of Linden Research, Inc. We are not directly affiliated with Second Life.
We are also the creators of Fennux & Fawns Breedable Pets, and we continue to develop for all 3 properties.