Advanced Breeding Engine
Each Kreature stores a recent record of it's Parents, Grandparents, etc. We use this data when breeding new offspring to help determine the outcome. We let everyone witness what the family trees
look like to help understand how offspring developed various traits/features. Our breeding engine is based on our experience with Fennux and Fawns, but was redesigned from the ground up.
Kreatures require a 1 Male to 1 Female pairing. They do NOT require opposing Tempers, but it does increase the odds for better breeding outcomes. Kreatures cannot be bred with direct relatives
(dad/daughter, mom/son, bro/sis) which adds to the challenge of our breeding game.
To get started breeding, all you need is a non-related male Kreature and a female Kreature - and a little bit of food.
Food Types (Regular/Reserve)
We offer Reserve and 3 Types of Regular Food, all 1 Land Impact/ea.
Reserve Food will be triggered if a Kreature cannot detect a physical food source within range. It can also be used solely, not just a "backup food".
Regular Food is available in Kibble Dish, Fish and Meat form. It's all aesthetics, Kreatures can consume ANY type of food!
(Note: Expect food to cost around L$195 for 1 Kreature for 4 Weeks.)
Constant Content
Kreatures have Ear Traits, Tail Traits, Hair Traits, Coats, Eyes and more. At this time all new content (except for limited edition content) will be released from the core breedable game, but we
may produce new starter packs every so often if we see it beneficial to the virtual economy.
Free HUD
We often get people asking us "how much does the HUD cost?", well with Kreatures it's completely free! In fact, the HUD is sort of a requirement when interacting with Kreatures.
You can use configure a Kreature's options, view all of its information, have it battle, and so much more.
Web Market Listings
All Kreatures that you want to put up for sale can be set to a frozen-animation state and be automatically listed to our marketplace for buying/selling Kreatures.
You don't have to use extra prims to list to a marketplace, you simply adjust it's "toggle market" setting as it's built right in.
Low Land Impact / Prim
Kreatures are 11-12 Land Impact. We use every trick in the book to make sure our land impact is as minimal as possible, while still delivering a great looking 3D product.
We did not go with Animesh yet because it would increase the Land Impact to ~25 per Kreature. Animesh is not optimized for Breedable Pet Games just yet, but we are staying on top
of the technology!
Kreature Points
You will earn Kreature Points while breeding automatically. You can redeem these points by merging your pets after they are finished with their breeding lifecycle.
Kreature Points can be used in exchange for items such as homes, potions, and other Kreatures accessories. Kreature Points can also be traded between breeders via our My Kreatures portion of the website.
Third-Party Friendly
Before we were making breedables, we were making breedable accessories! This means that we have a direct understanding of what it's like to be a third-party developer making products for
something like Kreatures. We will have APIs and other ways for third-party devs to create unique content for Kreatures.
Our battling is fairly advanced, yet easy to learn! We're not quite going into how it works just yet, but make sure to visit our Battles page for more information when it's available.
Kreatures are Immortal
Kreatures never die, however they can get temporarily sick if not fed properly. Kreatures will "Enter the Void" at the end of their breeding life or after they hit their max breeding age (whichever comes first).
To prevent this from happening you can use a Stay Forever Potion at any time.
Quality Animations
We have spent a lot of time on perfecting our animations for Kreatures. We do our best to make the animations as smooth as possible in Second Life, making use of the most up-to-date
technologies that SL offers. We don't use Animesh as this would limit the amount of traits we could have on the Kreatures - plus it would mean every Kreature would be something like 25 Land Impact each
which we're not comfortable dealing with.
Viewer Compatibility
Let's face it - most SL veterans don't use the default viewer. We will do our best to support every major viewer out there. (A viewer is the SL Client that you use to enter the world of Second Life.)