500 Reserve Food Free (Survey)Posted at 9:35 pm on February 15, 2021 by Kreatures |
NOTE: THIS PROMOTION ENDED APRIL 9, 2021. SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE. If you submitted data already, thank you! You’ll receive your reserve food when Kreatures launches! But we are no longer accepting new form submissions at this time. Initial Message to the Community: Hey folks! We are offering 500 Reserve Food at the time of Kreatures Launch, in exchange for a few answers to some simple questions! We want to know your SL Username, Biggest Pack you’ve pre-ordered, Age, Gender and Country – and that’s it! (The only reason we are collecting your username is to be able to give you the 500 Reserve Food when we launch. Try not to change your SL name until after launch, or let Daemon Blackflag know of the change since we’re not collecting UUIDs from this survey!) After we launch, we’ll run a command to give all of the survey participants 500 Reserve Food on their Kreatures accounts! You can take the survey here: https://forms.gle/7HRCczxnA4oWEA2b7 We will leave the survey up for about a week, so make sure to do it as soon as possible – once we turn it off, it’s off! Thanks for reading, -Kreatures Team |